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Breathing & Health

April 5th, 2021|

Breathing is the most natural thing for us and we therefore hardly pay any attention to it. Yet it can be worthwhile to take a closer look at breathing. How long can we live without breathing? Depending on how well trained we are, we can hold our breath for one or two minutes, but way less when we are under stress. And our breathing does so much more than simply keep us alive. Because HOW we breathe also has an influence on our body.


The positive effects of nasal breathing

February 2nd, 2022|2 Comments

For years, I have known from the field of yoga that nasal breathing plays an important role. The mucous membranes of the nose enrich the air with moisture and filter out dust particles from the air which is inhaled. In addition to that, the airway through the nose is longer and by filtering and simultaneously warming the inhaled air, the risk of catching a cold is reduced. But nasal breathing also has a positive effect on our sleep and fitness training. In the following blog post, I will tell you which effects those exactly are and how nasal breathing has personally helped me.

Feeling music – how deaf people perceive music and what it can actually do

November 25th, 2021|1 Comment

Spontaneously, we associate music with the sense of hearing. At the same time, we can also experience music with other senses. We are trying to make use of this in our early musical education. In our lessons, children should perceive music holistically, they should not only hear it but also feel it. And of course deaf people can also perceive, experience and make music. They can feel the music and concentrate on the vibrations. Because music doesn't just land in our auditory canal, it flows through our body and triggers certain emotions.

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